Product Comparison Chart

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Rainscreen Wall Systems Barrier Wall Systems
Sculpted 3D*
Sculpted 3D*
Sculpted 3D*
Econowall Omniplate
Performance Drained and
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ × ×
AMMA Pressure-
× × × × ✔ × × × ×
Barrier Wall
× × × × × × × × ✔
Barrier Wall
× × × × × × × ✔ ×
Materials Coated
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Zinc ✔ ✔ ✔ × × × ✔ × ×
Panel Forms Flat × × × ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Curved × × × ✔ ✔ ✔ × ✔ ✔
3D ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ × ✔ ✔ ×
Panel Returns Formed ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ × ✔ ✔ ×
Flat × × × × × ✔ × × ✔
Back-Scored ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ × × ✔ ×
Panel Dimensions
Length 24-160" 48-160" 24-160" 12-160" 12-160" 12-240" 12-160" 12-160" 12-240"
Width 24-66" 24-48" 24-50" 12-65" 12-65" 12-72" 6-36" 12-65" 12-72"
Depth Varies Varies Varies 1.75" 3.75" 2", 2.25", 2.75" 1.5" 1.75" 2.25"
Panel Orientation Horizontal ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Vertical ✔ × ✔ ✔ × ✔ ✔ ✔ ×
* Patent Pending

three-dimensional rainscreen system - NCLR

Metalwërks® Sculpted frees designers to create iconic facades more easily and affordably than ever before by elevating three-dimensional wall panels to entirely new heights.

This innovative dry-set rainscreen system features three complementary and interchangeable wall panel design schemes that produce the boldest three-dimensional forms possible.

Additionally, for enhanced visual expression, the 100% solid metal system is engineered for easy integration with LED lighting and features opportunities to incorporate other ornamental design elements. Plus, Sculpted provides opportunities to incorporate integrated planters and irrigation for growing vegetation.

Whether Sculpted is incorporated throughout the entirety of the building envelope or used solely for accented or featured areas, such as outdoor meeting spaces, the system easily interfaces with all other Metalwërks systems and alternative facade materials.

Sculpted may be installed over continuous masonry, concrete, or as the outer cladding in a wall assembly that incorporates continuous insulation and a suitable air and water barrier. Sculpted is also ideal for interior applications such as lobbies and atriums or any special gathering area.

Metalwërks can work with a design team to create other three-dimensional forms that meet your vision or design intent.

View Interactive 3D renderings

Sculpted 3D Details

Sculpted 3D rainscreen metal panel systems - NCLR - Rutgers
  • Manufactured from solid aluminum, stainless, or zinc plate with integral panel returns formed from a single piece of metal
  • Solid aluminum and stainless steel: high resistance to denting and puncturing, ideal for high-traffic or abusive areas
  • Fully mitered and welded corners ground smooth for seamless appearance
  • 0.625” (15.88 mm) standard horizontal and vertical joint with variable options
  • Adjustable furring to address variable construction tolerances and ensuring vertical sealing to air and water barrier, minimizing shims
  • Non-Combustible: minimal smoke and fuel contribution
  • Avoids NFPA 285 complications by avoiding thermo-plastic cores
  • All panel systems are reinforced/stiffened to resist deflection limits
  • Concealed fastened using corrosion-resistant self-tapping screws
  • Aluminum: post-applied finishing for long-term performance and uniform aesthetic
  • 100% recyclable with high percentage of post-consumer and industrial content, which may contribute to LEED credits
  • Common panel platform for seamless integration with other Metalwërks wall systems

Sculpted 3D Design Options

Sculpted 3D rainscreen metal panel systems Integrated planters and irrigation
  • Variable reveals: Horizontal 0.5” - 2” (12.7mm - 50.8mm); Vertical 0.25” - 6” (6.35mm - 152.4mm)
  • Integrated LEDs
  • Integrated planters and irrigation
  • Unlimited color options for aluminum plate
  • Options for #4, #6, #8, and non-directional finishes for stainless plate
  • Matching perforated and louvered panels
  • Optional back-cuts on formed panel edges for a sharper bend and crisper appearance

Sculpted 3D Applications

  • Architectural screen wall assemblies, walls for parking structures or monumental tower and/or facade features
  • Prominent feature walls on the exterior facade facing publicly viewed elevations, using more economical Metalwërks wall systems on the less prominent walls
  • Demising/privacy walls between residential unit balconies or pool/deck play level screen walls
  • Interior lobby spaces in atria or clerestory spaces
  • Exterior/Interior facades for large public spaces such as stadiums, hotels, convention centers, airports/transit centers
  • Public gathering or convocation spaces at higher education facilities
  • Greening wall surfaces and feature elements on green roof assemblies
  • Kitchen/herb gardens for restaurants, bars, public plazas
  • Lighted feature walls

Sculpted 3D Panel Design Schemes


Sculpted 3D Sculpted 3D rainscreen metal panel systems - Parametric View 3D Rendering Parametric panels are the most intricate with a unique sloping and tapering style. These panels may be installed horizontally or vertically, and allow for the addition of custom transverse score patterns, cut holes, graphics, letters or logos which can also be backlit with Integrated LEDs. Holes can also be incorporated for receiving planters for growing vegetation. Parametric offers a high degree of 3D design options.


Sculpted 3D Sculpted 3D rainscreen metal panel systems - Ribbon View 3D Rendering Ribbon panels install horizontally to create an elegant and intriguing basket weave pattern. Ribbon panels can also accommodate integrated, automated or manual irrigation systems, planters and LED accent lighting.


Sculpted 3D rainscreen metal panel systems - Minimal View 3D Rendering Minimal installs both horizontally and vertically. In a horizontal orientation, the panels can include optional continuous planter troughs for living walls. Optional LED lighting is also integrated into these panels.

Sculpted 3D Metal Substrate and Finish Options


  • 3003-H14 aluminum alloy-temper
  • Thickness: 0.125” (3.18 mm)
  • Finishes: Kynar®, architectural TGIC Polyester powder coating, or anodized

Stainless Steel:

  • T304 or T316
  • Thickness: 18 gauge (0.05”) (1.27 mm) standard, 16 gauge (0.063”) (1.60 mm), 14 gauge (0.078”) (1.98 mm), 12 gauge (0.109”) (2.78 mm) options
  • Finishes: #4, #6, #8, and non-directional satin in smooth or custom embossed patterns


  • Thickness: 0.079” (2mm)
  • Finishes: Consult with Metalwërks for options

Zinc is a natural metal which has specific properties that will limit its use. It must be adequately drained, ventilated and weeped when used in exterior applications to prevent excessive corrosion. Please consult Metalwërks for the appropriate uses for your project design.

Panel Sizes


  • Widths: 24” (610 mm) to 50” (1,270 mm)*
  • Lengths: 24” (610 mm) to 160” (4,064 mm)*
  • Depth: Varies


  • Widths: 24” (610 mm) to 48” (1,219 mm)*
  • Lengths: 48” (1,219 mm) to 160” (4,064 mm)*
  • Depth: Varies


  • Widths: 24” (610 mm) to 66” (1,676 mm)*
  • Lengths: 24” (610 mm) to 160” (4,064 mm)*
  • Depth: Varies

* Maximum panel size depends upon plate material, gauge, finish, and geometry.

Panel Weight Range
(dependent upon gauge and geometry)


  • Aluminum: 3.5 lbs./ft2
  • Stainless Steel: 6.02 lbs./ft2
  • Zinc: 5.74 lbs./ft2


  • Aluminum: 7.31 - 12.03 lbs./ft2
  • Stainless Steel: 12.6 - 21 lbs./ft2
  • Zinc: 12 - 19.8 lbs./ft2


  • Aluminum: 4.9 lbs./ft2
  • Stainless Steel: 8.43 lbs./ft2
  • Zinc: 8.04 lbs./ft2

Ranges provided for clarification.
Consult with Metalwërks for further options.

Flashing: 0.040” (1.02mm) thick to 0.063” (1.60mm) aluminum

Coping: Wall copings may be produced with the same material as the wall panel system

Furring/Framing Channels: Engineered secondary supports to accommodate added dead loads

Fasteners: Type 304 stainless steel or cadmium-plated as recommended

Shims: High impact thermally-broken plastic shims to maintain co-planar surfaces

Material & Workmanship: 1-year standard, with 2- or 5-year options

Finish Integrity: 10-year standard and up to 20-year for coated aluminum

* Patent Pending